Welcome, Dear One!

It's time to circle 'round together and rediscover the deep and ancient wisdom of our incredible female bodies.

If you are (or have ever been) a Woman with a Menstrual Cycle, this is your opportunity to connect more consciously with your Cycle in all her practical, magical power...

Maybe you've read or listened about Cycle Awareness. Maybe you make a note of the date of your bleed each month. But if you have read this far, I'm pretty sure you KNOW there is so much more!

Menstrual Cycle Awareness has helped me re-belong myself to the rest of the living world. This practice has genuinely changed my life and how I feel about myself - very much for the better! And the process continues to unfold...

What do BLOOD CLUB Members say

"For the past couple of years, I have dipped in and out of learning about cycle awareness as a solo journey, but have always craved a container in which to explore this work with other women. Blood Club has been an absolute gift - one which has deepened my relationship with myself and my body over the past 3 months. Claire is a warm, nurturing and intuitive facilitator. Even in an online space, she has a way of creating safety and sensing exactly which insight would be beneficial to share in each moment. I wish for all people with a menstrual cycle to be able to access something like Blood Club. By connecting with each other, and with our cyclical natures, we are reclaiming knowledge, power, and rites of passage which have always belonged to women and have been taken from us in modern times."

So what do we actually do in Blood Club?

Each month you will receive a little parcel of teachings and practices that have been transformative for me and so many of my beautiful clients at LUNA Physiotherapy & Health. This could be meditations, educational content, printables, yoga practices, or videos.

We will hold a Women's Circle via Zoom each month on the New Moon to share, release, and plant intentions for the next cycle. I will offer a guided embodiment practice or meditation during each gathering, drawing out the themes of that particular lunar and seasonal moment.

What to do next

I am SO excited to connect with you in a co-created nurturing space as we collectively reclaim our Divine Feminine Power!

Sign up to reserve your place, and write to me at [email protected] with any questions or particular concerns.

x Claire

Sign Up Here!