Hi, I'm Claire

I'm a Women's Health Physiotherapist, Integrative Health Practitioner, Yoga Teacher - and C-Section Mother like you.

I created HEAL YOUR C-SECTION because I know what it is to struggle with unresolved emotion on your heart, pain and other challenges in your body.

I've supported thousands of women in my 10+ years as a physio - and now I want to help YOU with a path back to PEACE in your heart and POWER in your body.

And no - you won't need to do hundreds of exercises every day, and you won't break the bank either...

Curious? Keep reading, Mama!


  • 5 modules of curated content so you won't feel overwhelmed
  • Access to a beautiful Teachable learning platform with all your content and classes
  • Pilates Fusion classes to build a strong and flexible body
  • Posture retraining classes to relieve pain and tension
  • Pelvic Floor and Core muscle training specific to the needs of c-section mums
  • Self Massage instruction so you can remodel and repair your scar and the surrounding area
  • Lymphatic drainage classes to reduce swelling and support detoxification pathways
  • Guided Meditations to release stress and focus on what serves you to move forward
  • A proven pathway to become your own Wise Woman and Healer!


  • You feel like few people really understand what you've been through as a C-Section Mother
  • You have not been supported recover well and heal all the layers after your Birth
  • You have numbness, hypersensitivity, pain, tightness, or swelling in the area of your c-section scar
  • Your scar is lumpy, uneven or you have an 'overhang' above it
  • You are slowed down and held back by issues like back pain, stiff hips, or weak core muscles
  • You get bladder urgency, leakage, or pain with sex since your c-section
  • You're sick of social media and marketing images that only make you feel worse
  • You know in your heart that something remains unresolved from your Rite of Passage into Motherhood and you are ready to heal this too


  • Feel genuine love and respect when you think about, see, or touch your scar
  • Be able to massage your scar and the surrounding area without discomfort
  • Get confident with exercises to strengthen your core and pelvic floor
  • Restore flexibility in your spine, hips, and shoulders
  • Release unhelpful stress and tension from your body
  • Let go of beliefs and stories about your Birth that don't serve you to thrive
  • Work with a proven and holistic method at a real-world price point
  • Feel the Sisterhood in this community of Belly Birth Mamas!


You can HEAL and INTEGRATE all the layers of your C-Section Birth?

You can feel POWER in your Body, PEACE in your Heart?

You can do this WITHOUT having to do hundreds of exercises every day?

AND without breaking the bank?

Sounds too good to be true, I know.

Well guess what, I actually have zero desire to break your bank! And I really want you to know how amazing you are, Belly Birth Mama. How incredible your body truly is. And how you are not and have never been alone in this. I want you to feel a transformation as life-changing as the one I've been through.




"I'm already so glad I invested in this, you're amazing. Thank you for creating this and giving your time and love to us."


"Thank you. Just thank you. For validating everything I've been feeling. Everything you said just made sense to me. Like you're in my mind and can feel the hurt I've been carrying the past 4 years. I've felt like I was going crazy the past 4 years and all of the sudden I'm not?

I'm not alone and it's not my fault and there's actually hope I won't feel like this forever? You're a magical woman and I'm so glad I found you."


"But also the physical side of things. The lower back pain, the shallow breathing, the posture. I'm going to start breathing properly from now on!"

My own journey with C-Section Birth has not been easy.

To be honest, I've been to some very dark and difficult places since becoming a Mother.

There were times when I was in pain every day, unable to lift my kids for a cuddle, or carry the groceries, or do my beloved yoga without just getting more PAIN. More feelings of not-enoughness, not-doing-it-right-ness...

My scar and 'overhang' were so intrusive in my mind and emotions as well as physically. My husband couldn't caress my lower belly without me flinching away - it just felt awful.

This was all the more upsetting because I could see the great results I was helping other C-Section Mothers to achieve! In my work as an Integrative Women's Physiotherapist, I was able to help women feel seen and understood, and to gradually rebuild the power in their bodies.

So why was I not able to help myself? It was so confusing and frustrating - and I was so, so tired.

So I tried:

  • Spending thousands on bodywork and therapy sessions (physio, osteo, chiro, massage, acupuncture...) which only ever helped with a tiny piece of the puzzle
  • A gazillion exercises to 'fix' my core muscles and posture (spending yet more money on programs and one-to-one instruction)
  • Mindset work to build my 'willpower muscle' - as if that was ever the problem...
  • Buying different clothes to 'work around' my postpartum body
  • Taking expensive supplements that were supposed to make my body 'work' better in various ways

And then I realised.

For years, I had evolved my physio practice so that I could see and work with the Whole Woman - Body, Mind and Spirit. So that I could actually HELP my clients to thrive!

I taught myself to bring Love, Kindness and Non-Judgement into my hands when I worked with their bodies, believing that intention was as important as skill. I knew the deep magic that happens when we are witnessed and listened to, without judgement. I learned to listen and lean into the support of Mother Nature.

Now it was my turn!

I needed to TRUST, LOVE, and CARE for myself as I trusted, loved and care for my wonderful clients.

I was ready to receive into myself what all these thousands of women, from my 10 years as a physiotherapist, were now gifting me...

I finally started to feel the results I had been longing for!

  • I started to genuinely LOVE and RESPECT my c-section scar, and watched as it became smaller and flatter to touch
  • All the skin around my scar felt NORMAL to touch - including that caressing touch from my lovely husband!
  • My deep core and pelvic floor muscles were balanced and supportive when I wanted to lift, carry, and bend with my body
  • I could feel my glutes again!!!
  • I went on long drives, big hikes, planted trees, worked in the garden, worked out, made love and more - without the legacy of pain to hold me back

Then one day I looked up, and there was PEACE in my heart about being a Belly Birth Mother.

There was POWER in my body again.

I felt WHOLE.



Connect with Your Truth

This is different for every Woman. There are no wrong answers. Once you can know and feel your own Story, honouring the difficult and the beautiful elements, you can begin to understand, accept, and move forward. Once you can FEEL your body and know where the real challenges lie, you can take meaningful action that supports your growth.


Trust Your Body

It's your birthright to feel at home in your body. Re-Learn to be in and care for your body with Trust. You will tend to the health of your nervous system, nurture your body tissues, restore skin sensation and movement around your scar.


Grow Yourself

You have created solid foundations of knowing your Self, your Body, and the true strength of your Spirit. You have reclaimed the power of your Rite of Passage into Motherhood. Step forth now into your next chapter of Becoming, and grow yourself in any direction you desire.


  • 5 modules of curated content so you won't feel overwhelmed
  • Access to a beautiful Teachable learning platform with all your content and classes
  • Pilates Fusion classes to build a strong and flexible body
  • Posture retraining classes to relieve pain and tension
  • Pelvic Floor and Core muscle training specific to the needs of c-section mums
  • Self Massage instruction so you can remodel and repair your scar and the surrounding area
  • Lymphatic drainage classes to reduce swelling and support detoxification pathways
  • Guided Meditations to release stress and focus on what serves you to move forward
  • A proven pathway to become your own Wise Woman and Healer!




"What a gift that me and my scar found you. We've made so much progress and I love where we are finding ourselves..."


"I've gone from being unable to stand looking at my scar let alone touching it to being able to massage it and look at it with a deep connection to all its layers, emotional and physical. Thank You x."


"Claire's beautifully nurturing and non-judgemental manner has had a significant impact on my ability to stop feeling so scared of what my body does, and help me to approach healing with compassion and without judgement myself."

You deserve to feel this way too!

That's why I made HEAL YOUR C-SECTION. It's your 'roadmap' to help you get where you deserve to be - with PEACE in your heart, POWER in your body.

Choose from annual or monthly access here: